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Education & Skills

How important is encouraging the next generation to consider a career in the adhesives and sealant sector?

BASA is passionate in finding ways to help our members give opportunities and pathways to young people seeking a career in the adhesives and sealants sector. It is part of our commitment to ensuring our industry remains appropriately equipped to adapt to the changing demands of our sector, and that it remains in a strong position in the future.

Education Landcape

We’re committed to helping small businesses find the education and skills landscape easier to navigate. That’s why we’re sharing Education landscape: A Guide for Employers, which has been developed in partnership with organisations including the Federation of Small Businesses, CBI, British Chamber of Commerce, and IoD to help businesses across England. The Guide includes a clear, short overview of the education and landscape system, and concise information about the education and skills opportunities that businesses can engage with, and the benefits these offer. There are links to further information for the options you want to prioritise.

Jenifer Burden, Gatsby Director of Programmes explains, “Whether it’s careers fairs, industry placements for older students, apprenticeships, or shorter programmes to support upskilling for employees, the need for education and business to collaborate has never been stronger. For a smaller business however, the breadth and variety of the opportunities can be hard to keep up with, especially for those without dedicated Human Resources or Learning and Development teams.

“This is why we are working with trusted business support organisations to provide small businesses with a clear starting point. The Education Landscape guide explains how SMEs can get involved with education and skills and shares the benefits that small business owners have experienced.

“By being involved, business support organisations are working closely with SMEs, widening the career opportunities for young people and nurturing the critical role businesses play in building and developing their skilled workforce.”

We will continue to work with the Strategic Development Network to include relevant case studies from BASA members in future.

*In the context of the guide the term young person is used to include students up to age 24.